Overview of For Earth's Sake Camping Festival
For Earth’s Sake is a camping festival and an opportunity for Muslim families to reconnect with each other and nature in the great outdoors. We like to be realistic and make families aware of what they are signing up to, so we want to set realistic expectations. You will be outdoors for a lot of the day, all being well, the weather will be great but we are subject to the elements and God’s mercy. If you are used to 5* all inclusive holidays in the middle east this may not be quite in your comfort zone but don’t let that put you off. You will get to experience a whole new type of family adventure. We have tried to make it as accessible as possible so you can have some comforts ad luxury thrown in without the need to buy lots of equipment. There will be hundreds of other people on site with you so expect queues (we will try to keep these to a minimum) and we ask for a little community spirit as we put the event together!
Our mission is to bring adventure and fun into the lives of families without breaking the bank. We understand the pandemic has impacted on families and we are striving to make the festival one that lots of families from different backgrounds can enjoy.
Tickets will include all meals, activities, and site costs. Those staying indoors will not need to purchase any equipment.
The sooner you book the cheaper it will be.
Indoor Accomodation Tickets
£110 per person Early Bird (3rd June) £95,
Group discount (10+) £90
Camping (own tents) Tickets
£80 per person – Early Bird £70
Group Discount (10+) £65
You do not need to pay for anything on top of your ticket.
Oh Yes! We are trying our utmost to ensure that all ages gain something from the experience but the central focus of the camp is to revive the family connection! It is vital to note that parents / responsible adults MUST supervise their children at all times and no child should attend any sessions on their own. Any child on their own will not be able to take part in the activity.
For camping, all children under the age of 5 can attend for free. However, for indoors we are charged per bed so any charges are directly paid to the venue!
We hate saying no, but unfortunately we are unable to accommodate adults on their own and likewise all children will need to have at least one adult with them. We are aiming for this event to be family orientated so you will need some little people in tow (hopefully your own!) However, we are looking for volunteers so if you are interested in coming and joining as part of the various delivery teams do join us Contact
If you can’t find the answer to your question on this page, then please do contact us via email: or reach out on any social media platform (facebook / Twitter / Instagram) at @Equalinks for the quickest response.
Bed Time
To remove some of the stress we have tried to help first time families looking to camp by having a range of accommodation.
You can sleep indoors in traditional bunkhouses. You can stay in one of the wooden lodges or you can go all bouji and sleep in one of the pre-erected bell tents. All the indoor options include all the bedding and mattresses so there is literally no need to purchase any equipment.
Indoor spaces are limited so please book quickly!
Part of the joys of being outdoors and camping is making new friends so there is no lights out time! We do ask all campers to be mindful of other camping families and to keep noise to minimum to try and not wake our youngest campers. Prayer times will be provided throughout the day so the call for Fajr Adhaan will be made in the early hours.
The attendees will all be split into sub-camps who will effectively be your camping family for the weekend. You will be sleeping in a similar area, eating at similar times and undertaking activities together. We hope that will allow families to make new friends and allows you plenty of opportunities to get to know your neighbours!
If you are booking as part of a larger family or friends group, please do this under one booking to ensure we allocate you all to the same area!
The theme of the camp is the incredible Planet Earth. There will be four zones linked to the elements and each element will have a number of activities within them. We are striving to make the event as fun, engaging and filled with as many different opportunities as possible. Each subcamp will spend 3 hours in each of these zones over the duration of the weekend.
The activity timings will be
- Friday Afternoon /Evening
- Saturday morning
- Saturday afternoon
- Sunday morning
There will be entertainment on both on Friday and Saturday night so plenty to keep families occupied
The location of the camp is at an activity centre and there are a number of site led adventurous activities which will be available. We are hoping to deliver 2 site led activities per person ranging from ziplining, climbing, sailing etc. These will be chosen in advance and sent across with timings before the event.
Yes 🙂 the water zone you are guaranteed to get wet. We will have offsite water sport activities (minibuses will be taking the groups offsite) bellboating and more. Onsite, we have a swimming pool, so there will be allocated slots for swimming. In addition, there will be a number of other “land based water activities” which will see you getting wet!
More details will follow in the next few weeks but we will hopefully have
- Firewalking (yes walking on actual coals – for teens and adults)
- Campfire stories
- Night Campfire, songs & nasheeds
- Outdoor Cinema
- Entertainment night
Click here for our Activity list but be sure to keep checking as new activities will be added every few days! We are trying our best to source activities which the children may not have done in the past… from mud runs to being hunted, to learning to light fires to sighting the moon for muhurram.
How long is a piece of string… one question all campers spend hours over is the tent they buy. There are so many tent options out there, here is a few links to some things you may want to consider
Tips when buying tents:
Best family tents according to Which :
Camping is not in allocated pitches so if you wish to camp with family and friends we suggest you make a group booking. There are no allocated pitched so arrive early and choose a spot where there will be space to save room for friends and family arriving later.
Nobody is permitted to sleep in the car park (in a tent, car, campervan or caravan).
The campsite is a short walk from the car park so pack wisely (and be prepared for some lifting!)
If this is your first time camping, it can really be a daunting task and we are on hand to help. We have tried to keep what you need to a minimum by removing the need to pack for activities and more importantly food. All meals will be provided on site so to save campers the headache of having to prepare their own meals.
We will send a recommended packing list a month before camp to help you get excited and prepped for camp!